
OTEAR conducts research on new methods of teaching, learning, and assessment that are disseminated throughout the University.

OTEAR’s Initiatives

The Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research provides resources and assistance in the development of teaching assessment methods and the improvement of teaching. OTEAR stays ahead of the curve, ensuring that we provide the most up-to-date resources for Rutgers faculty, instructors, and staff on the latest developments in higher education, such as artificial intelligence, learning analytics, and microcredentials.

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

Since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, OTEAR has been carefully following the discussions surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) as we recognize the need to provide timely advice, useful information, and best practices for the consideration of our instructors, students, and colleagues. AI is a transformative force in the world of higher education, and it is just beginning to reshape the way we think about learning, teaching, and the development of skills. As the capabilities of AI continue to advance, its integration into higher education brings forth a multitude of opportunities and challenges.

Learning Analytics to Support Student Success

The purpose of Learning Analytics is to support and improve the learning of students. This includes evaluating, diagnosing, and providing appropriate scaffolds to help students reach their learning goals. Ensuring students become reflective, self-motivated, and lifelong learners is another important aspect of Learning Analytics.

OTEAR Microcredentials

OTEAR offers several badges to faculty and staff on Teaching Evaluation and Inclusive Classrooms. These programs are intended to foster faculty engagement in the assessment of teaching, and to further the goals of inclusivity in the classroom.