SIRS Information for Administrators

SIRS Department Administrator Information

All online surveys are now in eXplorance Blue. Department administrators should review the survey information in the “DIG” (Data Integrity Gateway) portion of Blue, make any changes if necessary, and publish the surveys to confirm the details. After publishing, administrators and faculty can also add questions to the Standard SIRS form and access reports through the Blue survey system.

SIRS process: survey setup in DIG, publishing, Faculty modifications, Students complete surveys, and report generation.

Sign in to the Blue survey system at When prompted, choose “Administrator” as the user group.

Multiple people within a department can have access at different levels (DIG setup, reports only, etc.). Please see the description of access levels and contact OTEAR to add or change access to the administrative features of Blue.

Upcoming Workshops

Visit Workshops and Training to browse a complete selection of our available workshops.

  • School & Department Customization of SIRS for Actionable Data

    Monday, August 26, 2024, 9:30-11:00 am

    This session is designed for deans and department chairs to understand their options for customizing their Student Instructional Ratings Survey questions to receive actionable information. It will detail the options of schools and departments to change or add questions as appropriate to SIRS and/or midcourse surveys, give examples of changes Rutgers units have already undertaken and those of other institutions, and provide space for discussion and questions.


  • Fall 2024 DIG Full Training

    Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 9:30-10:30 am

    The Full DIG (Data Integrity Gateway) training session is recommended for department administrators who are newly responsible for validating instructor details for SIRS. This session covers navigating Blue, how to validate instructor details in DIG, and how to make changes during the survey preparation period. This training is not relevant to people who only view SIRS results. This is a virtual training session and it will be recorded. If you have any questions about this session please contact


  • Fall 2024 DIG Refresher Training

    Thursday, September 26, 2024, 2:00-3:00 pm

    This training is applicable to administrators who are responsible for validating instructor details for SIRS setup. The session is intended for SIRS liaisons that already experience working in DIG, but are looking to review the quick tips and tricks that they may have forgotten, and some advanced set-up options. This is a virtual training session and it will be recorded. If you have any questions about this session please contact


  • Blue Dashboard Training for Administrators

    Thursday, October 24, 2024, 10:00-11:30 am

    The Blue Dashboard allows Deans, Directors and administrators to look longitudinally across their SIRS data to glean actionable insights and have meaningful conversations in their departments. While not an alternative to an official teaching grid, the Blue Dashboard will provide an opportunity for units to look at trends across their courses and determine strengths and areas for improvement.  

    This training session will explain how to use the Blue Dashboard, understand the statistics that are provided, and the differences in reporting between the Blue Dashboard and individual reports. We hope that this will be a powerful tool to support improving your courses and teaching within your units.
