Assessment Councils

Assessment Council on Learning Outcomes

The Assessment Council on Learning Outcomes is chaired by the Associate VP for Academic Affairs, Teaching and Assessment. Each school in the University submits an annual learning outcomes assessment report to the ACLO for review. All of the schools in the University have some assessment body or a faculty committee or a decanal officer with direct responsibility for assessment, and often all three, that prepares the annual learning outcome assessment report for the school. In the larger schools, departments have their own designated assessment committee or officer who prepare reports for the dean responsible for assessment.

Each assessment report submitted to the ACLO is assigned to a two-person review team by the chair. The reviewers submit their comments to the chair, who then constructs a narrative that is sent to the dean of the school under review, and to the Senior VP for Academic Affairs (SVPAA). The chair also writes a letter to the SVPAA summarizing the year’s review process, highlights major accomplishments and areas for which the ACLO recommends change. The SVPAA subsequently consults with the Chancellors as necessary.

Assessment Council on the Student Experience

The Assessment Council on The Student Experience (ACSE) was created in the Spring 2017 term, to coordinate assessment activities across a wide array of university offices that promote and support the student experience at Rutgers. Its members are drawn from units reporting to the SVPAA, e.g., the Libraries, from the chancellors’ student affairs offices, and to the extent necessary the chancellors’ offices of academic affairs.

The ACSE will create a set of assessment basics in a template format that will provide a superstructure for annual assessment reports by the varied units involved, i.e., Libraries, Student Affairs, Disabilities Services, etc. The first series of reports was submitted to the ACSE by July 1, 2018, following a process very similar to that used by the ACLO.