New Program Assessment

New Program Assessment

The Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (EVPAA) manages new academic program approvals universitywide. As part of the process for new degree programs, OTEAR reviews the assessment plans for student learning outcomes (SLOs) prior to the final submission. Proposing units are encouraged to reach out to us by email at during the 30-day comment period to discuss the assessment plans for a new degree program.

To learn more about the new degree program process, visit Academic Program and Organizational Approvals.

Student Learning Outcomes

Appendix A of the new program proposal is where new program proposing units provide appropriate student learning outcomes that incorporate:

  • Appropriate scaffolding to enable students to build on knowledge as they progress through the program curriculum.
  • A variety of assessments for students to demonstrate content mastery and skill acquisition.

Components of an Effective Response

  • The assessment plan’s goals:
    • Ask important questions about student learning.
    • Reflect the institution’s mission and learning goals.
    • Support the stated departmental goals and objectives for learning.
  • The assessment plan’s methods:
    • Are collegial and collaborative.
    • Are appropriate to departmental and programmatic learning outcome goals.
  • The assessment plan’s implementation (or “closing the loop”) procedures:
    • Are directly linked to decision-making about the program’s curriculum.
    • Lead directly to actions for improvement by the department or program.
  • The assessment plan provides answers to the following questions:
    • Learning Goals and Objectives: What should students completing the proposed degree program know, value, and do?
    • Methods of Assessment: How can the unit determine if students know, value and do what the unit intends?
    • Implementation: How will the unit use the information gathered to change, add to, or restructure the proposed degree program so that students know, value, and do what the unit finds important and appropriate?

See our Guidelines for Departmental Assessment Plans