Assessment Councils

Assessment Council on Learning Outcomes

The Assessment Council on Learning Outcomes (ACLO) is charged by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (EVPAA) with developing the template requesting a report on annual program learning outcomes for each academic unit at Rutgers University. These reports provide data and information that document schools’ program-level learning outcome assessment plans and processes for the purpose of continuous improvement. The EVPAA approves the academic assessment template. The results of the annual academic assessments are shared with Deans, Provosts, and Chancellors.

The Associate Vice President for Academic Assessment & Accreditation, with the support of the Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR), oversees the annual assessment process, provides feedback on assessment reports, and coordinates meetings of the council. The council meets regularly to discuss the assessment reports and key issues with campuswide assessment. As a forum to discuss academic assessment, the ACLO highlights best practices in assessment while connecting colleagues across the institution.

Assessment Council on the Student Experience

The Assessment Council on The Student Experience (ACSE) was created in the Spring 2017 term, to coordinate assessment activities across a wide array of university offices that promote and support the student experience at Rutgers. Its members are drawn from the Libraries, from the chancellors’ student affairs offices, and, to the extent necessary, the chancellors’ offices of academic affairs.

The ACSE will create a set of assessment basics in a template format that will provide a superstructure for annual assessment reports by the varied units involved, i.e., Libraries, Student Affairs, Disabilities Services, etc. The first series of reports was submitted to the ACSE by July 1, 2018, following a process very similar to that used by the ACLO.