AI in Education
OTEAR is dedicated to helping faculty and staff stay up to date in the ever-evolving world of Artificial Intelligence by providing engaging workshops, discussions, and numerous resources.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Higher Education

While machine learning tools that “train” data in order to optimize prediction have been in the background of our lives for many years now, the November 2022 release of one particular large language model, OpenAI‘s ChatGPT has now become a subject of research, discussion and controversy for educators everywhere. Chatbots of this kind work through statistical modeling of data that has been “scraped” from the Internet (usually without consent). As a result of this vast access to data and a great deal of human reinforcement, chatbots and other LLMs respond to prompts with human-like outputs that can be detailed and articulate–though which may be superficial, inaccurate, biased, or “confabulated.” Students, staff, and faculty alike are naturally keen to educate themselves about these new technologies: a process of shared learning that we think of in terms of critical AI literacy. Are chatbots useful for administrative tasks, teaching, or research? Or do their problems and known harms outweigh their benefits.
In our role convening networks to support assessment of learning and evaluation of teaching, OTEAR facilitates the AI Roundtable Council. In 2023, this group developed “TEACHING CRITICAL AI LITERACY: Advice for the New Semester,” a document which provides a brief history of AI, a discussion of critical AI literacy (which includes detailed information about the technology’s harms and limitations), advice on academic integrity, a sample of statements for your syllabi, and a list of resources. Several members of the council have also agreed to answer follow-up questions.
Suggestions for Rutgers Faculty
- Learn what AI tools can and cannot do by reading up on these tools and experimenting with them before incorporating an AI tool into a class activity or restricting its use. Test your assignments by submitting them to ChatGPT and/or other AI tools to understand what these tools produce. Become familiar with the student conduct requirements for charging students with violations of academic integrity if your choice is to restrict its use. Resources are available on the OTEAR Canvas site.
- Consider developing assignments that require students to use higher-order thinking, connect concepts to specific personal experiences, cite class readings and discussions, and make innovative connections. These types of prompts are more difficult for students to answer using AI tools. Also consider project-based learning or staged assignments that begin with work in class, perhaps in groups, to be finalized by individual students as homework. Ideas about assignment design are also available on the OTEAR Canvas site.
- Develop rubrics that emphasize critical thinking, application of knowledge, and evaluation of knowledge rather than the restatement of material or summary. A sample rubric is given on the OTEAR Canvas site.
- Develop clear policies for each course. For example, begin with the Rutgers code of conduct, which mandates “that all work submitted in a course, academic research, or other activity is the student’s own and created without the aid of impermissible technologies, materials, or collaborations.” It is useful to repeat the learning goals of the course and how these goals are important in the decision making process to ban or permit AI tools. Consider the discussion in Section 4 of the Advice for the New Semester. Depending on whether AI tools will be banned or permitted, add text that clearly states the conditions specific for the course, such as these below:
- “Use of AI such as ChatGPT is not permitted in any stages of the writing process on any assignment.”
- “Use of AI such as ChatGPT is only permitted to help you brainstorm ideas and see examples. All material you submit must be your own.”
- “Use of AI such as ChatGPT is fully permitted, but you must cite the tool and be able to explain any work that you submit.”
- Schools and departments should discuss these issues as the tools and their use evolve. OTEAR is available for consultation and discussion at any time via email.
Frequently Asked Questions
ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and similar large language models Google’s Bard, and Anthropic’s Claude, are software applications designed to respond in text to text-based questions. Natural language processing tools model human-like conversations. Large language models are described as powerful, and remember previous prompts so engaging with one emulates the give and take of human interactions. ChatGPT and others can answer questions and assist in writing tasks (see Vanderbilt email) such as emails, essays, reports, poetry, plays, and computer code. There are many potential applications for these tools.
Take a look at OpenAI’s latest update: GPT-4
Generative AI is prone to “hallucinations” where it “…writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers.” When asked to cite sources, AI tools, such as ChatGPT, frequently fabricate information and invent references that may appear legitimate, but are entirely fictitious. While these tools can be used to mimic many different writing styles, a great deal of initial guidance and proofreading is required before we should have confidence in the output.
There are many and various resources available to students to support their study, from calculators to a collection of AI tools. Faculty are encouraged to consider what their policies for dealing with these extraneous tools and provide clear instructions about which tools and resources can be used, how to cite and acknowledge them, discuss them in class and point out the policies on the syllabus, and remind students regularly of Rutgers Academic Integrity policy.
Develop clear policies for each course. For example:
- “Use of AI such as ChatGPT is not permitted in any stages of the writing process on any assignment.”
- “Use of AI such as ChatGPT is only permitted to help you brainstorm ideas and see examples. All material you submit must be your own.”
- “Use of AI such as ChatGPT is fully permitted, but you must cite the tool and be able to explain any work that you submit.”
For more ideas about updating your syllabus in regards to ChatGPT, see this list of tips and suggestions. The Sentient Syllabus Project also offers more syllabus resources for Higher Education in the era of generative AI.
One strategy that can be used to discourage use of AI and promote learning is to require students to show stages of their work, e.g. outlines, rough drafts, selected references, contributions by different group members. Major assignments can be designed to be submitted in a sequence of steps, which is known as “scaffolding.”
Projects or assignments that require students to produce a specific application with personal insights so that they “explain” their learning through the product or project. Use rubrics that score critical thinking, problem-solving and application of knowledge over summary and review.
Another strategy is that students can be required to add personal comments such as reflections on the value of the assignment in their education, what was challenging, surprising, or what they would do differently once the project was completed.
Instructors can also ask that students cite class readings or discussion, or require that they use recent scholarship which may not be available in AI databases. Or, students may be asked to collect data on their own and use it as part of their analysis.
Research papers that require citations of specific evidence and quotations that then are used in the analysis of the research problem or premise. These could be from course materials or literature searches that include the search output.
The research project findings that might have been presented in text might be shared in a multimedia presentation, blog or podcast, webpage or e-portfolio, or graphically in an infographic or content map.
AI can be used in a variety of ways in college courses: practice language skills when learning another language; use to organize ideas in a first draft; finding and organizing information in research papers; generate opposing arguments for discussions; create questions for content knowledge self-assessments; use as personalized tutor for improving learning. Many colleges are incorporating AI applications to communicate with students.
See also: “Educator considerations for ChatGPT” from OpenAI.
Take a look at how ChatGPT answered the question:
Prompt: How can ChatGPT be used in college courses?
ChatGPT can be used in a variety of ways in college classrooms, some examples include:
1. Language Learning: ChatGPT can be used to help students practice their language skills through conversational interactions. The model can generate responses in the target language and can also be used to evaluate student’s responses for grammar and fluency.
2. Essay Writing Assistance: ChatGPT can be used to help students generate ideas for writing assignments and to provide feedback on their writing.
3. Research Assistance: ChatGPT can be used to assist students in finding and organizing information for research projects. It can be used to generate summaries of articles, provide relevant citations, and can even be used to help generate research questions.
4. Group Discussion and Debate: ChatGPT can be used to generate discussion points and counterpoints for class debates and discussions.
5. Assessment: ChatGPT can be used to create multiple choice question for assessments and quizzes, which can help in reducing human effort and increase efficiency.
6. Personalized Tutoring: ChatGPT can be used to provide personalized tutoring to students, by answering questions and providing feedback on their work.
These are just a few examples of how ChatGPT can be used in college classrooms. As a powerful language model, ChatGPT has many potential applications, and the possibilities are limited only by the creativity and imagination of the users.
- Elicit: The AI Research Assistant
- Legal Sifter
- Grammarly
- Notion AI
- Humata document summaries
- ChatGPT App for Slack
- WolframAlpha
- Excel Formula Bot
- AI2sql: SQL query writer
- Q-Chat:AI Tutor by Quizlet
- Brave AI Summarizer
- ChatPDF
- Microsoft’s “new Bing” search engine
- Google’s Bard search engine
- Dall-e 2: AI image generator
- Midjourney: AI image generator
- Meta’s LLaMa (Large Language Model Meta AI)
Take a look at these additional lists of different AI applications:
More Rutgers Resources
- Year of AI (2024) — P3 Collaboratory, Rutgers–Newark
- Artificial Intelligence at Rutgers
- Critical AI
- SAS Office of Undergraduate Education
- SC&I: Instructional Design and Technology Services
- A Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights for Education — co-edited by Lauren M. E. Goodlad and Matthew Stone
- Now the Humanities Can Disrupt “AI” — Lauren M. E. Goodlad, Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature, chair of Critical AI at Rutgers
- Ways Rutgers Is Shaping the AI Revolution — Andrea Alexander, Rutgers University
- Finding the Right Words — Dustin Petzold, Rutgers–Camden
- Mindful of the “Hype,” a Team of Rutgers Scholars Takes Deep Dive into AI to Understand its Impact on the World — John Chadwick, School of Arts and Sciences
Recommended Recordings
Artificial Intelligence & Academic Integrity (Virtual Discussion)
AI Roundtable, Monday, December 11, 2023
Video recording available on the OTEAR Learning and Teaching Canvas site
What should instructors do if they suspect that a student has used an AI chatbot such as ChatGPT in violation of a course policy? In this discussion, we share advice about ensuring that course policies are as clear as possible and discuss the processes for reporting students for violations of academic integrity on our campuses. We will hear from instructors and staff in the RU community who have experience adjudicating such cases.
Developing Effective Take-Home Assignments in the Era of ChatGPT (Virtual Interactive Workshop)
Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research, September 12, 2023
Hosts: Chris Drue and Monica Devanas
Video recording available on the OTEAR Learning and Teaching Canvas site
When we ask students to complete coursework at home, we must be confident that completing our assignment requires students to do original work and demonstrate critical thinking. Availability of Generative AI means that many simple straight-forward assignments are no longer viable for take-home work. In this workshop we examine several examples and then break into groups in order to test and develop assignment prompts.
AI Tools for Teaching and Learning – A Petting Zoo (Virtual Interactive Workshop)
AI Round Table, June 12, 2023
Video recording available on the OTEAR Learning and Teaching Canvas site.
We’ve been discussing AI concerns and issues. Let’s also discuss promising strategies for the productive, creative, and ethical use of AI in our classrooms and with our students. Join us and special guest Associate Professor Joyce Valenza for an AI petting zoo, where we will explore and test-drive applications for productivity, research, and instructional design and consider the framing of new norms for integration the coming semester (You can learn more about Joyce’s work here).
How AI & ChatGPT are Changing Education – A Conversation with Inside Higher Ed’s Susan D’Agostino
AI Round Table, April 10th, 2023
Hosts: Chris Drue and Monica Devanas
Video recording available on the OTEAR Learning and Teaching Canvas site
Susan D’Agostino, PhD is an educator turned journalist who covers technology issues for Inside Higher Ed. This year, she has been closely following developments in generative AI and education around the country and at international conferences, and is willing to share her insights with us. Join us for a conversation, facilitated by OTEAR, where we ask Dr. D’Agostino about issues of concern related to technology and the university.
ChatGPT Possibilities and Limitations in a Pedagogical Context (Interactive Live Demonstration)
AI Round Table, March 28, 2023
Hosts: Chris Drue and Monica Devanas
Video recording available on the OTEAR Learning and Teaching Canvas site
ChatGPT is a powerful generative AI tool that scans the texts of the Internet and returns answers to questions that are detailed and articulate, although often inaccurate or superficial. Since its release in late November 2022, it has been the subject of much discussion, especially among educators fretting about the integrity of their take-home assignments. In this interactive demonstration, we will feed ChatGPT a variety of prompts to find out what it does well and what it does poorly. This session is meant to assist faculty in designing written prompts, reviewing student work, and understanding this new landscape.
AI and the University: Big Questions about Integrity and our Academic Future
Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research, March 1, 2023
Hosts: Chris Drue and Monica Devanas
Michael Zwick, Senior Vice President for Research
Barbara Bender, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Support and Graduate Student Services
Joseph Deodato, Discovery Services Librarian, Rutgers University Libraries
Sharon Stoerger, Assistant Dean for Programs and Assessment, School of Communication and Information
Resources and video recording are available on OTEAR Learning and Teaching Canvas site.
New and ever improving AI technologies have changed the landscape of education. In this panel discussion we hear from representatives of key university units about the challenges that these tools pose for traditional educational practices and the opportunities they present for students and faculty alike. We will consider the ethical implications of AI in instruction, how faculty might responsibly use AI in their work, AI, and the publishing industry, and how our university and other institutions should respond.
AI FUTURES: An Interdisciplinary Conversation on Large Language Models and the Future of Human Writing
Rutgers Critical AI, February 20, 2023
Moderator/Introducer: Carter Mathes (English, Rutgers)
Video Recording available here on Youtube.
Virtual Roundtable with Kyle Booten (English, University of Connecticut), Sam Bowman (Data Science/Linguistics/CS, NYU – Visiting Researcher, Anthropic AI), Liz Losh (Rhetoric/American Studies, William & Mary), and Nasrin Mostafazadeh (AI Researcher, Co-Founder Verneek). Working from interdisciplinary standpoints in academia and industry, our roundtablers take up this topic in the wake of OpenAI’s recent release of ChatGPT, and its banning by NYC schools. Join our experts as they discuss the underlying technology of LLMs, their potential uses and abuses, and their likely impact on the future of human writing.
Developing Classroom Policies and Practices to Respond to ChatGPT and AI Assistance
Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research, January 10, 2023
Hosts: Chris Drue and Monica Devanas
Video recording available on the OTEAR Learning and Teaching Canvas site.
How should we respond to the emergence of AI platforms that allow students with an internet connection to automatically craft competent responses to a variety of prompts typically used in essays, homework assignments, reflection prompts, or exams? Should we avoid any mention of these tools in our classes, teach students how to use them responsi
AI Reading Suggestions
Human or AI? Connectives Hold the Clues — Miriam Bowers-Abbott and Wyatt Abbott, February 7, 2024, Faculty Focus
Ghost Students: The Rise of Bots in Online Education — David E. Balch, February 5, 2024, Faculty Focus
AI Preparedness Checklist — 1EdTech
Arizona State and OpenAI Are Now Partners. What Does That Mean? — Taylor Swaak, January 19, 2024, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Embracing Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom — Meredith Butulis, December 6, 2023, Faculty Focus
Why You Should Rethink Your Resistance to ChatGPT — Flower Darby, November 13, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Potential of AI and ChatGPT: Empowering Learning and Communication in the Digital Age — Erin Margarella and Rebecca Stobaugh, October 2, 2023, Faculty Focus
How to Incorporate AI into Assignments — John Orlando, October 2, 2023, The Teaching Professor
The AI Advantage: Boosting Student Engagement in Self-paced Learning through AI — Garima Gupta, September 18, 2023, Faculty Focus
The ‘perfect’ teaching assistant? Universities find new uses for AI — Joseph Pugh, September 9, 2023, CBC News
Get a FEAL for AI — Regan A. Gurung, September 5, 2023, The Teaching Professor
The End of the Take-Home Essay — Corey Robin, August 24, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Effective Teaching and Generative AI — Colorado School of Mines
AI Text Generators: Sources to Stimulate Discussion Among Teachers — Compiled by Anna Mills
Using AI to Implement Effective Teaching Strategies in Classrooms: Five Strategies, Including Prompts — Dr. Ethan Mollick & Dr. Lilach Mollick, March 16, 2023
Using ChatGPT and Other Large Language Model (LLM) Applications for Academic Paper Assignments — Andreas Jungherr at the University of Bamberg
How to Learn and Teach Economics with Large Language Models, Including GPT — Tyler Cowen & Alexander T. Tabarrok at George Mason University
AI Prompts for Teaching — Cynthia Alby, Ph.D
Instructors Rush to Do ‘Assignment Makeovers’ to Respond to ChatGPT — Jeffrey R. Young, July 27, 2023, EdSurge
Incorporating AI in Teaching: Practical Examples for Busy Instructors — Daniel Stanford, July 12, 2023
Caught Off Guard by AI — Beth McMurtie & Beckie Supiano, June 13, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
‘Nobody Wins in an Academic-Integrity Arms Race’ — Ian Wilhelm, June 12, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Assigning AI: Seven Ways of Using AI in Class — Ethan Mollick, June 12, 2023, One Useful Thing
How do we respond to generative AI in education? Open educational practices give us a framework for an ongoing process — Anna Mills, Maha Bali, Lance Eaton, June 11, 2023, Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching
Turnitin’s AI Detector: Higher-Than-Expected False Positives — Susan D’Agostino, June 1, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
How Will Artificial Intelligence Change Higher Ed? — May 25, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning — U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology, May 2023
I’m a Student. You Have No Idea How Much We’re Using ChatGPT. — Owen Kichizo Terry, May 12, 2023, THe Chronicle of Higher Education
The Smart Friend Issue: A Philosophy for Coping with ChatGPT Fears — Regan A. R. Gurung, May 1, 2023, The Teaching Professor
Generative AI in Higher Education: From Fear to Experimentation, Embracing AI’s Potential — Louis NeJame, Ria Bharadwaj, Catherine Shaw, & Kristen Fox, April 25, 2023, Tyton Partners
Professors are using ChatGPT detector tools to accuse students of cheating. But what if the software is wrong? — Kayla Jimenez, April 12, 2023, USA Today
Will ChatGPT Change How Professors Assess Learning — Beckie Supiano, April 5, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Can Turnitin Cure Higher Ed’s AI Fever? — Liam Knox, April 3, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
ChatGPT: Student insights are necessary to help universities plan for the future — Alpha Abebe & Fenella Amarasinghe, March 27, 2023, The Conversation
ChatGPT Just Got Better. What Does That Mean for Our Writing Assignments? — Anna R. Mills, March 23, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
ChatGPT sends shockwaves across college campuses — Daniel de Visé and Lexi Lonas, March 19, 2023, The Hill
AI makes plagiarism harder to detect, argue academics – in paper written by chatbot — Anna Fazackerley, March 19, 2023, The Guardian
Using AI to make teaching easier & more impactful — Ethan Mollick, March 17, 2023, One Useful Thing
ChatGPT Is Already Upending Campus Practices. Colleges Are Rushing to Respond — Beth McMurtrie, March 6, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Teachers use ChatGPT more than students, a study finds — Mark Sullivan, March 3, 2023, Fast Company
In an AI World, Let Disability Access Lead the Way — Martin Stanberry, Jack Bernard, and Joseph Storch, March 1, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
ChatGPT as an Assistive Technology — Maggie Melo, March 1, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
What a Sixty-Five-Year-Old Book Teaches Us About A.I. — David Owen, February 25, 2023, The New Yorker
AI Bots Can Seem Sentient. Students Need Guardrails — Susan D’Agostino, February 22, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
This professor asked his students to use ChatGPT. The results were surprising — Sabrina Ortiz, February 22, 2023, ZDNet
Alternative Strategies for Artificial Intelligence in the Writing Classroom — Abriana Jetté, February 21, 2023, Teachers & Writers Magazine
Some educators embrace ChatGPT as a new teaching tool — Jocelyn Gecker, February 14, 2023, PBS
At This School, Computer Science Class Now Includes Critiquing Chatbots — Natasha Singer, February 6, 2023, The New York Times
What Students Are Saying About ChatGPT — The Learning Network, February 2, 2023, The New York Times
Designing Assignments in the ChatGPT Era — Susan D’Agostino, January 31, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
Lesson Plan: Teaching and Learning in the Era of ChatGPT — Katherine Schulten, January 24, 2023, The New York Times
Teaching In The Age Of AI Means Getting Creative — Zoha Qamar, January 23, 2023, FiveThirtyEight
College professors are considering creative ways to stop students from using AI to cheat — Beatrice Nolan, January 21, 2023, Business Insider
ChatGPT or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Generative AI — John Orlando, January 17, 2023, The Teaching Professor
ChatGPT Advice Academics Can Use Now — Susan D’Agostino, January 12, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
ChatGPT: A Must-See Before the Semester Begins — Cynthina Alby, January 9, 2023, Faculty Focus
Teaching: Will ChatGPT Change the Way You Teach — Beth McMurtrie, January 5, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Guest Post: AI Will Augment, Not Replace — Marc Watkins, December 14, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
AI and the future of Undergraduate Writing — Beth McMurtrie, December 13, 2022, The Chronicle of Higher Education
The College Essay is Dead — Stephen Marche, December 6, 2022, The Atlantic
Machines Can Craft Essays. How Should Writing Be Taught Now? — Susan D’Agostino, October 26, 2022, Inside Higher Ed
‘We’re All Using It’: Publishing Decisions Are Increasingly Aided by AI. That’s Not Always Obvious. — Taylor Swaak, September 27, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
University of Michigan Custom GenAI Services
Building the New Model for Teaching — Ray Schroeder, June 21, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
All the unexpected ways ChatGPT is infiltrating students’ lives — Susan Svrluga & Hannah Natanson, June 1, 2023, The Washington Post
New Survey Finds Students Are Replacing Human Tutors With ChatGPT — May 15, 2023, Intelligent
Admissions Offices, Cautiously, Start Using AI — Scott Jaschik, May 15, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
Anthropic’s Claude AI can now digest an entire book like The Great Gatsby in seconds — Benj Edwards, May 12, 2023, Ars Technica
The Oncoming AI Ed-Tech ‘Tsunami’ — Susan D’Agostinio, April 18, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
Chegg announces CheggMate, the new AI companion, built with GPT-4 — April 17, 2023, Business Wire
OneNote is getting Microsoft’s new AI Copilot to help you write your notes — Tom Warren, April 6, 2023, The Verge
GitHub Copilot gets a new ChatGPT-like assistant to help developers write and fix code — Tom Warren, March 22, 2023, The Verge
What Google Bard Can Do (and What It Can’t) — Cade Metz, March 21, 2023, The New York Times
Microsoft’s Bing chatbot now lets you create images via OpenAI’s DALL-E — Tom Warren, March 21, 2023, The Verge
OpenAI Plans to Up the Ante in Tech’s A.I. Race — Cade Metz, March 14, 2023, The New York Times
OpenAI announces GPT-4 — the next generation of its AI language model — James Vincent, March 14, 2023, The Verge
Replacing Humans “Is the Furthest Thing From Our Mindset,” Says the Company Selling an A.I. Radio Host — Nitish Pahwa, March 8, 2023, Slate
ChatGPT Is Coming to Slack — Kyle Barr, March 7, 2023, Gizmodo
A New ‘M*A*S*H’ Scene: Written by ChatGPT, Read by Hawkeye and B.J. — Julia Jacobs, March 7, 2023, The New York Times
Bennett Miller Utilizes DALL•E to Create AI Generated Artwork in New Exhibition — Shawn Ghassemitari, March 7, 2023, Hypebeast
LinkedIn Introduces AI-Powered Collaborative Articles — Matt Milano, March 6, 2023, WebProNews
Using A.I. to Detect Breast Cancer That Doctors Miss — Adam Satariano and Cade Metz, March 6, 2023, The New York Times
This government aide says it knows what voters want. It’s an AI bot. — Leo Sands, March 2, 2023, The Washington Post
Language Models and Cognitive Automation for Economic Research — Anton Korinek, February 2023, National Bureau of Economic Research
Microsoft brings its new AI-powered Bing to the Windows 11 taskbar — Tom Warren, February 28, 2023, The Verge
Meta will create ‘AI personas’ for WhatsApp and Messenger — Stan Schroeder, February 28, 2023, Mashable
Machine learning can be used to help clinicians with early diagnosis — Nicole Swenarton, February 27, 2023, Rutgers Today
Free Talk-to-ChatGPT Chrome extension gives AI a voice — Jacob Siegal, February 21, 2023, BGR
Generative AI Is Coming For the Lawyers — Chris Stokel-Walker, February 21, 2023, Wired
ChatGPT for Robotics: Design Principles and Model Abilities — Autonomous Systems and Robotics Group, February 20, 2023, Microsoft
7 problems facing Bing, Bard, and the future of AI search — James Vincent, February 9, 2023, The Verge
Microsoft announces new Bing and Edge browser powered by upgraded ChatGPT AI — James Vincent, February 7, 2023, The Verge
Wolfram|Alpha as the Way to Bring Computational Knowledge Superpowers to ChatGPT — Stephen Wolfram, January 9, 2023
My lawyer, the robot — Ben Schreckinger, January 9, 2023, Politico
A New Area of A.I. Booms, Even Amid the Tech Gloom — Erin Griffith and Cade Metz, January 7, 2023, The New York Times
A Princeton student built an app which can detect if ChatGPT wrote an essay to combat AI-based plagiarism — Pete Syme, January 4, 2023, Business Insider
How Kindle novelists are using ChatGPT — Josh Dzieza, December 24, 2022, The Verge
AI writing: The challenge and opportunity in front of education now — Chris Caren, December 15, 2022, Turnitin
Guest Post: AI Will Augment, Not Replace — Marc Watkins, December 14, 2022, Inside Higher Ed
We Asked GPT-3 to Write an Academic Paper about Itself—Then We Tried to Get It Published — Almira Osmanovic Thunström, June 30, 2022, Scientific American
Initial Guidance for Evaluating the Use of AI in Scholarship and Creativity — MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI
Developing the Ethical Framework for AI in Education — the University of Buckingham
Using AI to write scholarly publications — Mohammad Hosseini, Lisa M. Rasmussen, & David B. Resnik
Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights — The White House
Regulating AI: 3 experts explain why it’s difficult to do and important to get right — S. Shyam Sundar, Cason Schmit, & John Villasenor, April 3, 2023, The Conversation
ChatGPT Is Banned in Italy Over Privacy Concerns — Adam Satariano, March 31, 2023, The New York Times
Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools — created by Lance Eaton
Interim Guidance on Permissible and Impermissible Uses of ChatGPT and Similar AI Software — U.S. Naval War College, February 19, 2023, courtesy of Amanda Rosen
‘Everybody is cheating’: Why this teacher has adopted an open ChatGPT policy — Patrick Wood and Mary Louise Kelly, January 26, 2023, NPR
Science journals ban listing of ChatGPT as co-author on papers — Ian Sample, January 26, 2023, The Guardian
ChatGPT In Schools: Here’s Where It’s Banned—And How It Could Potentially Help Students — Arianna Johnson, January 18, 2023, Forbes
Alarmed by A.I. Chatbots, Universities Start Revamping How They Teach — Kalley Huang, January 16, 2023, The New York Times
NYC education department blocks ChatGPT on school devices, networks — Michael Elsen-Rooney, January 3, 2023, Chalkbeat
Anthropic will help users if they get sued for copyright infringement — Emilia David, December 19, 2023, The Verge
AI Raises Complicated Questions About Authorship — Susan D’Agostino, August 22, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
AI-generated art cannot be copyrighted, rules a US federal judge — Wes Davis, August 19, 2023, The Verge
When AI Is Writing, Who Is the Author? — Sean Ross Meehan, January 31, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
ChatGPT Will Unleash Copyright Chaos — Shawn C. Helms and Jason D. Krieser, January 27, 2023, Barron’s
This Copyright Lawsuit Could Shape the Future of Generative AI — Will Knight, November 21, 2022, Wired
Getty Images is suing the creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion for scraping its content — James Vincent, January 17, 2023, The Verge
The scary truth about AI copyright is nobody knows what will happen next — James Vincent, November 15, 2022, The Verge
Artificial intelligence and copyright — Andres Guadamuz, October 2017, WIPO Magazine
Who Benefits and Who is Excluded? — Tracie Addy, Tingting Kang, Tim Laquintano, Vivienne Dietrich, March 4, 2024, Journal of Transformative Learning
No, ChatGPT Can’t Be Your New Research Assistant — Maggie Hicks, August 23, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
How elite schools like Stanford became fixated on the AI apocalypse — Nitasha Tiku, July 5, 2023, The Washington Post
A.I. Is Coming for Mathematics, Too — Siobhan Roberts, July 2, 2023, The New York Times
Generative AI Should Not Replace Thinking at My University — Douglas Hofstadter, June 20, 2023, The Atlantic
What’s a Word Worth in the AI Era? — Kartik Chandra, June 8, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
Six Ways AI Can Improve Digital Badge Programs — David Leaser, June 6, 2023, The EvoLLLution
Microsoft Says New A.I. Shows Signs of Human Reasoning — Cade Metz, May 16, 2023, The New York Times
35 Ways Real People Are Using A.I. Right Now — Francesca Paris & Larry Buchanan, April 14, 2023, The New York Times
The AI bot has picked an answer for you. Here’s how often it’s bad. — Geoffrey A. Fowler & Jeremy B. Merrill, April 13, 2023, The Washington Post
How ChatGPT and Bard Performed as My Executive Assistants — Brian X. Chen, March 29, 2023, The New York Times
What Makes A.I. Chatbots Go Wrong? — Cade Metz, March 29, 2023, The New York Times
Can AI generate a way to pay for itself? — Elizabeth Lopatto, March 23, 2023, The Verge
Who’s responsible when ChatGPT goes off the rails? Congress should say. — WP Editorial Board, March 19, 2023, The Washington Post
Why Are We Letting the AI Crisis Just Happen? — Gary Marcus, March 13, 2023, The Atlantic
This Changes Everything — Ezra Klein, March 12, 2023, The New York Times
You Are Not a Parrot — Elizabeth Weil, March 1, 2023, Intelligencer
Noam Chomsky: The False Promise of ChatGPT — Ruru Kuo, March 8, 2023, The New York Times
The Chatbots Are Here, and the Internet Industry Is in a Tizzy — Tripp Mickle, Cade Metz, and Nico Grant, March 8, 2023, The New York Times
What Isaac Asimov can Teach Us About AI — Jeremy Dauber, March 3, 2023, The Atlantic
As A.I. Booms, Lawmakers Struggle to Understand the Technology — Cecilia Kang and Adam Satariano, March 3, 2023, The New York Times
The Return of the Magicians — Ross Douthat, March 2, 2023, The New York Times
How A.I. Can Help — Lauren Jackson, March 2, 2023, The New York Times
You Are Not a Parrot — Elizabeth Weil, March 1, 2023, Intelligencer
The AI Disaster Scenario — Matt Chase, February 27, 2023, The Atlantic
The Imminent Danger of A.I. Is One We’re Not Talking About — Ezra Klein, February 26, 2023, The New York Times
Everything you wanted to know about AI – but were afraid to ask — Alex Hern and Dan Milmo, February 24, 2023, The Guardian
It’s Not Just Our Students — ChatGPT Is Coming for Faculty Writing — Ben Chrisinger, February 22, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
How Well Would ChatGPT Do in My Course? I Talked to It to Find Out — Nuria Lopez, February 15, 2023, Faculty Focus
How ChatGPT can actually help promote equity in college admissions — Sydney Montgomery, February 14, 2023, Fast Company
What is ChatGPT doing…and Why Does It Work? — Stephen Wolfram, February 14, 2023
How Universities Can Use AI Chatbots to Connect with Students and Drive Success — Andy Viano, February 9, 2023, EdTech
Microsoft Throws a Coming-Out Party for A.I. — Cade Metz and Karen Weise, February 7, 2023, The New York Times
With ChatGPT, We’re All Editors Now — Rachel Elliot Rigolino, January 31, 2023, Inside Higher Ed
Don’t Write Like a Robot — James M. Lang and Michelle D. Miller, January 30, 2023, The Chronicle of Higher Education
Microsoft Plans to Build OpenAI, ChatGPT Features Into All Products — Sam Schechner, January 17, 2023, The Wall Street Journal
ChatGPT: Educational friend or foe? — Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Elias Blinkoff, January 9, 2023, Brookings
A Skeptical Take on the AI Revolution — “The Ezra Klein Show,” January 6, 2023, The New York Times
Enraged Worries That Generative AI ChatGPT Spurs Students To Vastly Cheat When Writing Essays, Spawns Spellbound Attention For AI Ethics And AI Law — Lance Elliot, December 18, 2022, Forbes
University of Illinois — Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Indiana University — Center for Innovative in Teaching and Learning
University of Iowa — Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology
University of Maryland — Teaching & Learning Transformation Center
University of Michigan — U-M Guidance for Faculty/Instructors
University of Minnesota — Center for Education Innovation
University of Nebraska-Lincoln — Center for Transformative Teaching
Northwestern University — Office of the Provost
University of Wisconsin-Madison — Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring
ChatGPT Assignments t ChatGPT Assignments to Use in Y o Use in Your Classr our Classroom Today — University of Central Florida
Artificial Intelligence Tools — Oregon State University
60+ Ideas for ChatGPT Assignments — University of Central Florida
Generative AI for Teaching & Learning — MIT Sloan Teaching & Learning Technologies
Guidelines For Using Generative Artificial Intelligence at Mines — Colorado School of Mines
Discipline-specific Generative AI Teaching and Learning Resources — University of Delaware Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning
Johnson Center for Creative Teaching and Learning — Gettysburg College
ChatGPT & Education — Torrey Trust, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst
Intro to ChatGPT for Higher Ed — Judith Dutill
Generative AI / ChatGPT Q & A for Learning Professionals — Creative Commons
Planning a Workshop on AI Tools (like ChatGPT) for Your School — Doug Holton
Adapting Your Teaching to ChatGPT & AI Tools — Doug Holton
AI Text Generators and Teaching Writing: Starting Points for Inquiry — Anna Mills
ChatGPT: Understanding the new landscape and short-term solutions — Cynthia Alby, Co-Author of “Learning That Matters: A Field Guide to Course Design for Transformative Education”
ChatGPT Bibliography — Lee Skallerup Bessette, Assistant Director for Digital Learning at Georgetown University
No panic here: TWU prepares for ChatGPT — Texas Woman’s University
Three Things to Know about AI Tools and Teaching — Derek Bruff
Resources for exploring ChatGPT and higher education — Bryan Alexander
Practical Responses to ChatGPT — Montclair State University, Office for Faculty Excellence
Artificial Intelligence — University of Central Florida, Faculty Center
Academic and Collaborative Technologies (ACT) — University of Toronto
ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence Tools — Georgetown University
AI in Higher Education Resources — Teach Online Canada
Creating a collection of 101 creative ideas to use AI in education — Chrissi Nerantzi