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- March 15, 2024: Deadline to submit any changes to additional department or school-wide questions for SIRS.
- March 22: Deadline for departments to check course and instructor information, and publish surveys (in Blue, “SIRS Preparation” task). For courses that end early in the semester, departments must publish the survey in Blue at least two weeks prior to the the end of the course.
- April 6 – 15 : (may vary, approximately 12 days before survey starts) OTEAR informs faculty and instructors of their individual survey details. Faculty may optionally add questions to SIRS or adjust their own survey dates.
- April 16: Surveys begin (unless otherwise indicated) April 16 through end of survey: Students who have not responded will receive email reminders (exact dates vary)
- May 1: Surveys end (unless otherwise indicated). Note that this is the last day of the reading period, if you want your survey to end earlier or later the department administrator can change the dates in DIG or instructors can adjust the dates in Blue.
- May 10 – approximate last day to submit grades to the registrar (refer to the registrar’s schedule for exact dates)
- May 14: SIRS results distributed through Blue to most faculty, instructors, and department administrators.
- May 21: : RBS School 22 SIRS results available (delay to accommodate varied course schedule).
- Early June (TBD) : Law Schools 23 and 24 SIRS results available (delay to accommodate varied course schedule).