Classroom Inclusivity Series

This program is a collaboration between various units across Rutgers University to promote inclusive scholarship and teaching to support a more well-rounded understanding of classroom inclusiveness.

Classroom Inclusivity Series

The Classroom Inclusivity Series is a collaboration between various units across Rutgers University, organized and facilitated by The Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research and the University Equity and Inclusion Office. The purpose of the program is to promote Inclusive Scholarship and Teaching (as identified by the Rutgers University Diversity Priorities) and, in particular to support a more well-rounded understanding of Classroom Inclusivity.

The series is complete for the 23-24 academic year, but will restart in August 2024.

Throughout the 2023-2024 academic semester, Rutgers University faculty, instructors, teaching assistants, post-docs, and staff are invited to attend workshops provided by different units across the university. Workshops or training sessions included within the series will address the following competencies:

  • Competency 1: Understand and begin to address your and your students’ identities, biases, prejudices, and fears and the impact they have on learning and the classroom environment.
  • Competency 2: Infuse inclusive teaching practices into your educational practices by course re-design or adopting new teaching activities.
  • Competency 3: Ensure course content, web pages, activities, and assessments are accessible to all students.

A listing of the workshops included in this series for Spring 2024 is provided below. Additional sessions are still being added. Some workshops limit participation to a specific subset of the university, as identified in the description. Workshops are open to faculty and staff, although some may be more beneficial than others for an individual. We suggest reviewing our recommendations below. If your unit or department is offering a session that you believe would fit into the series, please reach out to us at for more information about how it can be included.

Engaging in the Series

Rutgers community members are welcome to participate in individual workshops. We are excited to offer three levels of digital badge credentials in the third year for those interested.

Participants who attend three sessions (one from each of the program competencies), attend a Competency 1 discussion session, and submit reflection statements will have the opportunity to earn a Level 1 Badge for Lifelong Learning in Inclusive & Equitable Teaching. Those who have already completed the Level 1 badge may earn a Level 2 Badge for Implementation of Inclusive Teaching by making instructional changes and developing a website sharing the process and results. This year for those who achieved the Level 1 & 2 badges or have expertise in the field of inclusive pedagogy, there is a Level 3 Badge for Ambassadors of Inclusive & Equitable Teaching Practices. More information about all badges can be found on our Canvas site (you need to be logged into Canvas to access).


Offerings are listed in chronological order and can be filtered by competency by toggling between buttons.  If you are in need of accommodations for a workshop or have any questions about individual sessions, please contact the presenting unit.

RU Inclusive? LGBTQIA+

RU Inclusive LGBTQIA+ is a professional development and continuing education program designed to advance LGBTQIA+ inclusion and equity within Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), but is applicable to all instructors. All Rutgers faculty and educators are invited to participate although only RBHS faculty are able to receive CEUs and complete the surveys. Through this free, online, fully asynchronous program, faculty and educators will gain knowledge, skills, tools, and evidence-based resources to advance LGBTQIA+ inclusion and health equity. This program consists of a series of short video presentations along with exemplars, resources, and a helpful checklist highlighting key actions to support inclusive teaching. Go to to join the program and start making your course, program, or curriculum more inclusive. Addresses Competency 2.

Available now through Spring 2024
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Online Asynchronous
Presenter(s): RBHS

Applying a Cultural Responsive System

The significance of integrating cultural responsiveness into course design has often been overlooked. This oversight may stem from various factors, including the complexity of implementing cultural responsiveness, the absence of evidence-based framework, limited expertise and support, or apprehension about potential missteps. Traditional course design predominantly prioritizes elements like social, cognitive, and teaching presence to construct a meaningful learning experience, as outlined in the CoI model. While these aspects are vital, the cultural presence dimension is frequently omitted.

In this course, we explore 5 areas of culture in the learning environment where a prescribed level of cultural responsiveness would be effective. We delve into the “what”, “why”, and “how” of integrating essential factors of cultural responsiveness into course design. Participants will be guided through effectively applying the Cultural Responsive Teaching System (CRTS) based on the work of Plotts (2020). Addresses Competency 2.

Available now
Audience: SMLR Faculty and Instructors
Recommended for: SMLR Faculty and Instructors
Mode: Online Asynchronous
Presenter(s): SMLR
Contact: Marta Pulley,

Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching Strategies

This workshop will introduce you to the principles of inclusive teaching and Universal Design, frameworks which focus on designing learning spaces and experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners. You will leave this workshop with practical strategies, tips, and ideas to make your classroom a place where all students are welcomed and empowered to succeed. Addresses Competency 2.

March 19, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

March 20, 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Mary Labrada, Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Supporting the Writing of International Graduate Students

Building awareness around our own identities, biases, and fears as educators is a critical component in creating more equitable and accessible classroom interactions. This workshop will feature pre-recorded testimonials from international graduate students sharing their experiences navigating the academic writing and research process at Rutgers. Faculty members from the Graduate Writing Program will discuss key points made in the student testimonials while exploring relevant pedagogical strategies and tools that respond to the writing, research, and in-class engagement of learners from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. By learning about and remaining cognizant of the differences among our community members, we can be better and more inclusive educators. Collaboration between OTEAR, Rutgers Graduate Writing Program, and Rutgers Global-International Academic Support Office. Addresses Competency 1.

March 20, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (formally CTAAR), Rutgers Writing Program, and Rutgers Global – Office of International Academic Success
Contact: Office of International Academic Success,

Culturally Responsive Course Design and Teaching Strategies

What does it mean to teach in a culturally responsive way? In this workshop, we will discuss the origins and implications of culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining pedagogies, as well as, how to implement their principles in various subject matter areas. We will also look at course design teaching strategies for incorporating student cultures as assets to their learning. Finally, we will discuss the strategies for critical self-reflection and understanding how your positionality intersects with your presence as the instructor in your course. Addresses Competency 1.

March 21, 2024, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

Addresses Competency 2.

March 26, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

Contemplative Practices for Inclusiveness and Equanimity

This workshop reviews the sciences of breathing and meditation and how they affect cognition and emotion. Drawing from the millennia-old science of yoga and meditation, the workshop introduces two tools, one breathing method and one meditation, that enhance well-being, inclusiveness, and balance. The pedagogy involves a paradigm shift from cognitive learning of teaching tactics to experiential learning of a foundational shift in faculty’s inner teaching experiences and transformative relations with students. With regular and consistent practice, these tools enable faculty to consciously respond to challenging situations while teaching and enhance their well-being and inclusion of others in the classroom and beyond. Participants are invited to participate in an IRB-approved workshop evaluation study that assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of these practices on the inclusion of others, equanimity, and well-being. Addresses Competency 1.

March 28, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: In-person at the Janice Levin Building Room 102
Presenter(s): School of Management and Labor Relations
Contact: Tracy Chang,

TAP: Universal Design for Learning

This workshop will introduce teaching assistants to the principles of inclusive teaching and Universal Design, frameworks which focus on designing learning spaces and experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners. You will leave this workshop with practical strategies, tips, and ideas to make your classroom a place where all students are welcomed and empowered to succeed. Addresses Competency 2.

April 4, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:20 am EST
Audience: Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants
Recommended for: Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants
Mode: Virtual, Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): TA Project

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

April 10, 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pam EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Mary Labrada, Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Military Cultural Competency Education Session

In studies conducted at colleges and universities nationwide, military-affiliated students reported feeling that other members of their campus community did not appreciate, understand, or respect their service. With only seven percent of Americans having served in the military and only half of one percent having served since September 11, 2001, a wide gap exists between those who have served and civilians. By understanding military culture and considering their own attitudes and assumptions, higher education professionals and students gain valuable insight into the experience and transition of military-affiliated students. The Office of Veteran and Military Programs and Services provides Green Zone Military Cultural Competency education sessions across the University for faculty, staff, and students as well as custom education sessions for outside organizations. These education sessions provide the Rutgers community and our partners with a general overview of military culture, structure and norms that govern those who serve and impact their transition from the military to college and the workplace. Professionals and students will walk away with the knowledge to more easily communicate with our military-affiliated students. Addresses Competency 1.

April 10, 2024, 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; in-person location coming soon
Presenter(s): Office of Veteran and Military Programs and Services
Contact: Ann Treadaway,

Contemplative Practices for Inclusiveness and Equanimity

This workshop reviews the sciences of breathing and meditation and how they affect cognition and emotion. Drawing from the millennia-old science of yoga and meditation, the workshop introduces two tools, one breathing method and one meditation, that enhance well-being, inclusiveness, and balance. The pedagogy involves a paradigm shift from cognitive learning of teaching tactics to experiential learning of a foundational shift in faculty’s inner teaching experiences and transformative relations with students. With regular and consistent practice, these tools enable faculty to consciously respond to challenging situations while teaching and enhance their well-being and inclusion of others in the classroom and beyond. Participants are invited to participate in an IRB-approved workshop evaluation study that assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of these practices on the inclusion of others, equanimity, and well-being. Addresses Competency 1.

April 11, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: In-person at the Labor Education Center, Auditorium
Presenter(s): School of Management and Labor Relations
Contact: Tracy Chang,

Inclusive Practices Spotlight: Strategies from Rutgers’ Instructors

Faculty across Rutgers are incorporating various strategies to create inclusive learning environments for their students. This session will spotlight just a few of those instructors to explain what and how they have implemented. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss implications with colleagues across the university. Addresses Competency 2.

April 12, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual, Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

April 12, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Equity by Design: Practical Strategies, Overcoming Barriers, and Evaluating the Impact of the Equity-Oriented Classroom (Virtual Interactive Workshop) 

There is no one-size-fits-all to education. Because students come from diverse backgrounds, there is an increasing need for teaching methods that are equitable, inclusive, representative, and accessible. This workshop introduces Equity-Oriented Design (EOD), educational design principles that support equitable opportunities for all students and ensure that fair and similar outcomes can be attained regardless of background, ability, or life experience. Strategies for implementing EOD, overcoming barriers of EOD, and evaluating outcomes of EOD will be examined. Participants will form a plan to implement EOD into their classrooms. This session is presented by Dr. Rachel Derr, Clinical Assistant Professor and Prelicensure Program Director at the School of Nursing-Camden. This session is included in the Classroom Inclusivity Series for Competency 2. 

April 15, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Dr. Rachel Derr

How to Use Ally to Improve Canvas Course Accessibility

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use Ally in Canvas to help you make your courses more inclusive. We’ll explore key features of Ally, including the Instructor Feedback Tool, the Course Accessibility Report, and the Alternative Formats tool, as well as practical strategies and resources for improving your accessibility scores. Addresses Competency 3.

April 16, 2024, 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

Addresses Competency 2.

April 16, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

A Beginner’s Guide to Universal Design and Accommodations in Higher Education Classrooms

This session will provide participants with some background knowledge on the theory, legal basis, and best practices behind classroom modifications and accommodations through an interactive activity and group discussion.  The program will not teach all there is to know about this topic, but rather to act as a starting point that will allow participants to reflect on how they can begin to incorporate these ideas into their classroom. This session is presented by Lauren Neitzke Adamo, Associate Teaching Professor, Undergraduate Program Director, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Addresses Competency 3.

April 18, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Lauren Neitzke Adamo

A Student Centered Syllabus and Inclusive Teaching Strategies in Large Courses

The goal of this workshop is to develop a learner-centered syllabus and how to support an inclusive classroom in large courses. Developing our understanding of education through the eyes of our students is about everything from course design to actually sitting in their seats and seeing what the world looks like from their point of view. This session will identify and discuss the implementation of strategies to understand and address the needs of the students in large courses. It will touch on democratizing learning, and developing student autonomy, and will provide practical take-away strategies that you can add to your current practice. Participants will have the opportunity to engage and discuss with the facilitator and colleagues. This session is presented by Dr. Kavitha Govindasamy, Assistant Teaching Professor, Biological Sciences, SAS-N. This session is included in the Classroom Inclusivity Series for Competency 2. 

April 18, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Kavitha Govindasamy

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

Addresses Competency 2.

May 21, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

February 22, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Christina Bifulco, Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

Culturally Responsive Course Design and Teaching Strategies

What does it mean to teach in a culturally responsive way? In this workshop we will discuss the origins and implications of culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining pedagogies, as well as, how to implement their principles in various subject matter areas. We will also look at course design teaching strategies for incorporating student cultures as assets to their learning. Finally, we will discuss the strategies for critical self-reflection and understanding how your positionality intersects with your presence as the instructor in your course. Addresses Competency 1.

February 22, 2024, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

March 20, 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pam EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Mary Labrada, Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Supporting the Writing of International Graduate Students

Building awareness around our own identities, biases, and fears as educators is a critical component in creating more equitable and accessible classroom interactions. This workshop will feature pre-recorded testimonials from international graduate students sharing their experiences navigating the academic writing and research process at Rutgers. Faculty members from the Graduate Writing Program will discuss key points made in the student testimonials while exploring relevant pedagogical strategies and tools that respond to the writing, research, and in-class engagement of learners from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. By learning about and remaining cognizant of the differences among our community members, we can be better and more inclusive educators. Collaboration between OTEAR, Rutgers Graduate Writing Program and Rutgers Global-International Academic Support Office. Addresses Competency 1.

March 20, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (formally CTAAR), Rutgers Writing Program, and Rutgers Global – Office of International Academic Success
Contact: Office of International Academic Success,

Culturally Responsive Course Design and Teaching Strategies

What does it mean to teach in a culturally responsive way? In this workshop we will discuss the origins and implications of culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining pedagogies, as well as, how to implement their principles in various subject matter areas. We will also look at course design teaching strategies for incorporating student cultures as assets to their learning. Finally, we will discuss the strategies for critical self-reflection and understanding how your positionality intersects with your presence as the instructor in your course. Addresses Competency 1.

March 21, 2024, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Contemplative Practices for Inclusiveness and Equanimity

This workshop reviews the sciences of breathing and meditation and how they affect cognition and emotion. Drawing from the millennia-old science of yoga and meditation, the workshop introduces two tools, one breathing method and one meditation, that enhance well-being, inclusiveness, and balance. The pedagogy involves a paradigm shift from cognitive learning of teaching tactics to experiential learning of a foundational shift in faculty’s inner teaching experiences and transformative relations with students. With regular and consistent practice, these tools enable faculty to consciously respond to challenging situations while teaching and enhance their well-being and inclusion of others in the classroom and beyond. Participants are invited to participate in an IRB-approved workshop evaluation study that assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of these practices on the inclusion of others, equanimity, and well-being. Addresses Competency 1.

March 28, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: In-person at the Janice Levin Building Room 102
Presenter(s): School of Management and Labor Relations
Contact: Tracy Chang,

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

April 10, 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pam EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Mary Labrada, Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Military Cultural Competency Education Session

In studies conducted at colleges and universities nationwide, military-affiliated students reported feeling that other members of their campus community did not appreciate, understand, or respect their service. With only seven percent of Americans having served in the military and only half of one percent having served since September 11, 2001, a wide gap exists between those who have served and civilians. By understanding military culture and considering their own attitudes and assumptions, higher education professionals and students gain valuable insight into the experience and transition of military-affiliated students. The Office of Veteran and Military Programs and Services provides Green Zone Military Cultural Competency education sessions across the University for faculty, staff, and students as well as custom education sessions for outside organizations. These education sessions provide the Rutgers community and our partners with a general overview of military culture, structure, and norms that govern those who serve and impact their transition from the military to college and the workplace. Professionals and students will walk away with the knowledge to more easily communicate with our military-affiliated students. Addresses Competency 1.

April 10, 2024, 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; in-person location coming soon
Presenter(s): Office of Veteran and Military Programs and Services
Contact: Ann Treadaway,

Contemplative Practices for Inclusiveness and Equanimity

This workshop reviews the sciences of breathing and meditation and how they affect cognition and emotion. Drawing from the millennia-old science of yoga and meditation, the workshop introduces two tools, one breathing method and one meditation, that enhance well-being, inclusiveness, and balance. The pedagogy involves a paradigm shift from cognitive learning of teaching tactics to experiential learning of a foundational shift in faculty’s inner teaching experiences and transformative relations with students. With regular and consistent practice, these tools enable faculty to consciously respond to challenging situations while teaching and enhance their well-being and inclusion of others in the classroom and beyond. Participants are invited to participate in an IRB-approved workshop evaluation study that assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of these practices on the inclusion of others, equanimity, and well-being. Addresses Competency 1.

April 11, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: In-person at the Labor Education Center, Auditorium
Presenter(s): School of Management and Labor Relations
Contact: Tracy Chang,

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

February 22, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Christina Bifulco, Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

March 20, 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pam EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Mary Labrada, Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

April 10, 2024, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pam EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Mary Labrada, Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

RU Inclusive? LGBTQIA+

RU Inclusive LGBTQIA+ is a professional development and continuing education program designed to advance LGBTQIA+ inclusion and equity within Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), but is applicable to all instructors. All Rutgers faculty and educators are invited to participate although only RBHS faculty are able to receive CEUs and complete the surveys. Through this free, online, fully asynchronous program, faculty and educators will gain knowledge, skills, tools, and evidence-based resources to advance LGBTQIA+ inclusion and health equity. This program consists of a series of short video presentations along with exemplars, resources, and a helpful checklist highlighting key actions to support inclusive teaching. Go to to join the program and start making your course, program, or curriculum more inclusive. Addresses Competency 2.

Available now through Spring 2023
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Online Asynchronous
Presenter(s): RBHS

Applying a Cultural Responsive System

The significance of integrating cultural responsiveness into course design has often been overlooked. This oversight may stem from various factors, including the complexity of implementing cultural responsiveness, the absence of evidence-based framework, limited expertise and support, or apprehension about potential missteps. Traditional course design predominantly prioritizes elements like social, cognitive, and teaching presence to construct a meaningful learning experience, as outlined in the CoI model. While these aspects are vital, the cultural presence dimension is frequently omitted.

In this course, we explore 5 areas of culture in the learning environment where a prescribed level of cultural responsiveness would be effective. We delve into the “what”, “why”, and “how” of integrating essential factors of cultural responsiveness into course design. Participants will be guided through effectively applying the Cultural Responsive Teaching System (CRTS) based on the work of Plotts (2020). Addresses Competency 2.

Available now
Audience: SMLR Faculty and Instructors
Recommended for: SMLR Faculty and Instructors
Mode: Online Asynchronous
Presenter(s): SMLR
Contact: Marta Pulley,

Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching Strategies

This workshop will introduce you to the principles of inclusive teaching and Universal Design, frameworks which focus on designing learning spaces and experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners. You will leave this workshop with practical strategies, tips, and ideas to make your classroom a place where all students are welcomed and empowered to succeed. Addresses Competency 2.

February 15, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Incorporating Beliefs, Mindsets & Belonging in Creating Inclusive Courses

There is increasing evidence that what some call “non-cognitive” factors such as students’ sense of belonging, beliefs, and mindsets, have a significant impact on student success. This workshop will summarize some of the literature on these topics and then provide actionable pedagogical strategies and tools to incorporate some of these principles into your courses. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and engage with colleagues as you consider what strategies are most appropriate for your course. Addresses Competency 2.

February 16, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual, Video recording will be available after session here.
Presenter(s): Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

Strategies for Inclusive STEM Classrooms

This workshop will provide concrete suggestions for creating inclusive learning environments in STEM classrooms, focusing in particular on inclusion issues that arise in quantitative STEM courses. Ideas will be scaffolded to provide some easy-to-implement strategies to ones that will take some additional time and effort. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss how to implement within their courses and share their strategies with colleagues. Addresses Compentency 2.

February 19, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual, Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

Addresses Competency 2.

February 20, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

Implementing a Universal Design Approach to Formative Assessment

This session will focus on actionable recommendations that incorporate universal design in the development and delivery of formative assessments. We will explore instructor- and learner-driven goals for formative assessment, and then offer examples of universal design principles that support those goals. With universal design informing our approach, we will brainstorm ideas for enhancing or even transforming typical assessment practices. Addresses Competency 2.

February 26, 2024, 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching Strategies

This workshop will introduce you to the principles of inclusive teaching and Universal Design, frameworks which focus on designing learning spaces and experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners. You will leave this workshop with practical strategies, tips, and ideas to make your classroom a place where all students are welcomed and empowered to succeed. Addresses Competency 2.

March 19, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

Addresses Competency 2.

March 26, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

TAP: Universal Design for Learning

This workshop will introduce teaching assistants to the principles of inclusive teaching and Universal Design, frameworks which focus on designing learning spaces and experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners. You will leave this workshop with practical strategies, tips, and ideas to make your classroom a place where all students are welcomed and empowered to succeed. Addresses Competency 2.

April 4, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:20 am EST
Audience: Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants
Recommended for: Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants
Mode: Virtual, Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): TA Project

Inclusive Practices Spotlight: Strategies from Rutgers’ Instructors

Faculty across Rutgers are incorporating various strategies to create inclusive learning environments for their students. This session will spotlight just a few of those instructors to explain what and how they have implemented. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss implications with colleagues across the university. Addresses Competency 2.

April 12, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual, Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

Equity by Design: Practical Strategies, Overcoming Barriers, and Evaluating the Impact of the Equity-Oriented Classroom (Virtual Interactive Workshop) 

There is no one-size-fits-all to education. Because students come from diverse backgrounds, there is an increasing need for teaching methods that are equitable, inclusive, representative, and accessible. This workshop introduces Equity-Oriented Design (EOD), educational design principles that support equitable opportunities for all students and ensure that fair and similar outcomes can be attained regardless of background, ability, or life experience. Strategies for implementing EOD, overcoming barriers of EOD, and evaluating outcomes of EOD will be examined. Participants will form a plan to implement EOD into their classrooms. This session is presented by Dr. Rachel Derr, Clinical Assistant Professor and Prelicensure Program Director at the School of Nursing-Camden. This session is included in the Classroom Inclusivity Series for Competency 2. 

April 15, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Dr. Rachel Derr

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

Addresses Competency 2.

April 16, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

A Student Centered Syllabus and Inclusive Teaching Strategies in Large Courses

The goal of this workshop is to develop a learner-centered syllabus and how to support an inclusive classroom in large courses. Developing our understanding of education through the eyes of our students is about everything from course design to actually sitting in their seats and seeing what the world looks like from their point of view. This session will identify and discuss the implementation of strategies to understand and address the needs of the students in large courses. It will touch on democratizing learning, and developing student autonomy, and will provide practical take-away strategies that you can add to your current practice. Participants will have the opportunity to engage and discuss with the facilitator and colleagues. This session is presented by Dr. Kavitha Govindasamy, Assistant Teaching Professor, Biological Sciences, SAS-N. This session is included in the Classroom Inclusivity Series for Competency 2. 

April 18, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Kavitha Govindasamy

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

Addresses Competency 2.

May 21, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

February 8, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

How to Use Ally to Improve Canvas Course Accessibility

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use Ally in Canvas to help you make your courses more inclusive. We’ll explore key features of Ally, including the Instructor Feedback Tool, the Course Accessibility Report, and the Alternative Formats tool, as well as practical strategies and resources for improving your accessibility scores. Addresses Competency 3.

February 9, 2024, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

February 19, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

How to Use Ally to Improve Canvas Course Accessibility

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use Ally in Canvas to help you make your courses more inclusive. We’ll explore key features of Ally, including the Instructor Feedback Tool, the Course Accessibility Report, and the Alternative Formats tool, as well as practical strategies and resources for improving your accessibility scores. Addresses Competency 3.

February 27, 2024, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

March 1, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

TAP: Accessibility Tools for Teaching

This workshop is designed for teaching assistants to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

March 7, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:20 am EST
Audience: Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants
Recommended for: Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants
Mode: Virtual, Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): TA Project

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

April 12, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

How to Use Ally to Improve Canvas Course Accessibility

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use Ally in Canvas to help you make your courses more inclusive. We’ll explore key features of Ally, including the Instructor Feedback Tool, the Course Accessibility Report, and the Alternative Formats tool, as well as practical strategies and resources for improving your accessibility scores. Addresses Competency 3.

April 16, 2024, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

A Beginner’s Guide to Universal Design and Accommodations in Higher Education Classrooms

This session will provide participants with some background knowledge on the theory, legal basis, and best practices behind classroom modifications and accommodations through an interactive activity and group discussion.  The program will not teach all there is to know about this topic, but rather to act as a starting point that will allow participants to reflect on how they can begin to incorporate these ideas into their classroom. Addresses Competency 3.

April 18, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Lauren Neitzke Adamo

Implementing a Universal Design Approach to Formative Assessment

This session will focus on actionable recommendations that incorporate universal design in the development and delivery of formative assessments. We will explore instructor- and learner-driven goals for formative assessment, and then offer examples of universal design principles that support those goals. With universal design informing our approach, we will brainstorm ideas for enhancing or even transforming typical assessment practices. Addresses Competency 2.

January 9, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session here.
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Culturally Responsive Course Design and Teaching Strategies

What does it mean to teach in a culturally responsive way? In this workshop, we will discuss the origins and implications of culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining pedagogies, as well as, how to implement their principles in various subject matter areas. We will also look at course design teaching strategies for incorporating student cultures as assets to their learning. Finally, we will discuss the strategies for critical self-reflection and understanding how your positionality intersects with your presence as the instructor in your course. Addresses Competency 1.

January 22, 2024, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

January 24, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

How to Use Ally to Improve Canvas Course Accessibility

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use Ally in Canvas to help you make your courses more inclusive. We’ll explore key features of Ally, including the Instructor Feedback Tool, the Course Accessibility Report, and the Alternative Formats tool, as well as practical strategies and resources for improving your accessibility scores. Addresses Competency 3.

January 25, 2024, 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

Addresses Competency 2.

January 30, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

February 8, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

How to Use Ally to Improve Canvas Course Accessibility

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use Ally in Canvas to help you make your courses more inclusive. We’ll explore key features of Ally, including the Instructor Feedback Tool, the Course Accessibility Report, and the Alternative Formats tool, as well as practical strategies and resources for improving your accessibility scores. Addresses Competency 3.

February 9, 2024, 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching Strategies

This workshop will introduce you to the principles of inclusive teaching and Universal Design, frameworks which focus on designing learning spaces and experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners. You will leave this workshop with practical strategies, tips, and ideas to make your classroom a place where all students are welcomed and empowered to succeed. Addresses Competency 2.

February 15, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Incorporating Beliefs, Mindsets & Belonging in Creating Inclusive Courses

There is increasing evidence that what some call “non-cognitive” factors such as students’ sense of belonging, beliefs, and mindsets, have a significant impact on student success. This workshop will summarize some of the literature on these topics and then provide actionable pedagogical strategies and tools to incorporate some of these principles into your courses. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and engage with colleagues as you consider what strategies are most appropriate for your course. Addresses Competency 2.

February 16, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual, Recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

Strategies for Inclusive STEM Classrooms

This workshop will provide concrete suggestions for creating inclusive learning environments in STEM classrooms, focusing in particular on inclusion issues that arise in quantitative STEM courses. Ideas will be scaffolded to provide some easy-to-implement strategies to ones that will take some additional time and effort. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss how to implement within their courses and share their strategies with colleagues. Addresses Compentency 2.

February 19, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual, Recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

February 19, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Inclusion Matters! A Sensitivity Training Workshop

This training will provide you with what you need to know when teaching a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing student. You will leave with a better understanding of:

  • Deaf Culture
  • Appropriate Language use
  • Common Accommodations and how to facilitate them
  • Resources for providing captioning and ways it can help all students
  • Top things students wished professors knew prior to starting their course
  • Top things to do, to dramatically improve the accessibility, and experience of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in your course
  • How to infuse inclusive teaching practice and language to better promote a Deaf friendly environment

Addresses Competency 2.

February 20, 2024, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording sent through email after session
Presenter(s): Rutgers Access and Disability Resources, Teaching and Learning with Technologies, Office of IT Accessibility

Competency 1 Discussion

After attending a Competency 1 Workshop, participants may attend a Competency 1 Discussion for an opportunity to talk with other instructors about the impact of our identities, biases, and prejudices on learning. Participation in one discussion session is a requirement for the Level 1 Badge.

February 22, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Mode: Virtual; This session will not be recorded
Facilitator(s): Christina Bifulco, Office of Teaching Evaluation and Assessment Research (OTEAR)

Culturally Responsive Course Design and Teaching Strategies

What does it mean to teach in a culturally responsive way? In this workshop we will discuss the origins and implications of culturally relevant, responsive, and sustaining pedagogies, as well as, how to implement their principles in various subject matter areas. We will also look at course design teaching strategies for incorporating student cultures as assets to their learning. Finally, we will discuss the strategies for critical self-reflection and understanding how your positionality intersects with your presence as the instructor in your course. Addresses Competency 1.

February 22, 2024, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Implementing a Universal Design Approach to Formative Assessment

This session will focus on actionable recommendations that incorporate universal design in the development and delivery of formative assessments. We will explore instructor- and learner-driven goals for formative assessment, and then offer examples of universal design principles that support those goals. With universal design informing our approach, we will brainstorm ideas for enhancing or even transforming typical assessment practices. Addresses Competency 2.

February 26, 2024, 10:30 am – 11:30 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

How to Use Ally to Improve Canvas Course Accessibility

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to use Ally in Canvas to help you make your courses more inclusive. We’ll explore key features of Ally, including the Instructor Feedback Tool, the Course Accessibility Report, and the Alternative Formats tool, as well as practical strategies and resources for improving your accessibility scores. Addresses Competency 3.

February 27, 2024, 9:00 am – 10:00 am EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

Creating Accessible Online Content: Text, Documents, Images, and Video

This workshop is designed to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

March 1, 2024, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST
Audience: University-wide
Recommended for: Instructors/Faculty, Staff
Mode: Virtual; Recording available after session
Presenter(s): Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT)

TAP: Accessibility Tools for Teaching

This workshop is designed for teaching assistants to explore how to design courses and materials that are accessible to all students. We will cover the basics of online accessibility, focusing on best practices for creating accessible course materials such as text documents (Word/PDF), images, and videos with captions. We’ll also go over key accessibility features in the Canvas LMS. Addresses Competency 3.

March 7, 2024, 10:00 am – 11:20 am EST
Audience: Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants
Recommended for: Graduate Students, Teaching Assistants
Mode: Virtual, Video recording will be available after session
Presenter(s): TA Project